EBM Tokyo Flight Deck has launched

EBM has established "responsibility," "growth," and "freedom" as its new operating principles.

Responsibility is work.
Taking responsibility leads to personal growth.
The multiplication of individual growth results in company growth.
With growth comes freedom.
Freedom is power and choice.
With freedom comes greater responsibility.
This responsibility is an opportunity.
This process is called "dreaming."

The newly launched EBM Tokyo Flight Deck is
It was opened at the very edge of Harumi, Chuo Ward, a particular "growth point" of the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, the world's largest city.

EBM Tokyo Flight Deck is
The EBM top leader will personally take the helm and utilize the group's resources deployed around the world to act as a "command center" and "cockpit" for continuous new creation.

The representative of EBM said at EBM Tokyo Flight Deck,
We imagine new values and a future based on "responsibility," "growth," and "freedom."
Someone who has no vested interest is called a friend.
People who share a common interest are called partners.
At EBM Tokyo Flight Deck,
We welcome you as our valued partners.
While gazing at the future together,
"Responsibility," "Growth," and "Freedom"
Yes, that is to say, we talk about dreams.

Welcome on board
Please enjoy the rest of your flight at EBM Tokyo Flight Deck

EBM Tokyo Flight Deck is an Innovation Core operated by President Dr. Park Young Kwang. Regarding visits, they are by invitation only for partners and royal customers of EBM Group.