Providing a surgical training environment

Medical skills training logistics

Mission logistics regarding surgical training.
We provide the most efficient surgical training environment when and where it is needed, including conducting skill training nationwide.


Service overview

skills training

skills training

We provide operational support for hands-on seminars and training sessions using our surgical training products.

training example

  • Dry training using a simulator
  • Wet training using extracted organs *We also handle organ arrangement and disposal.


When there is an urgent need to move or to move products, we use land and air routes to quickly transport items.


support system

simulator products
Development support

When developing simulators, we eliminate all unnecessary elements and use an engineering approach to create products that are useful in the field. Regardless of the field, we will continue to make necessary developments to improve the training environment in clinical settings. Please feel free to contact us regarding new development projects.

Even in an emergency
We will respond immediately

03-4405-3314 )

Venue arrangement/
Hands-on seminar support

We can operate and set up Wet Labs and Dry Labs at our own facilities and other event venue facilities nationwide. We are particularly confident in holding large-scale hands-on events for 40 to 120 people in rural areas. Wet Lab and Dry Lab can be performed without the hassle of preparation and cleanup. Please contact us for details.


Consultation process



If you are considering contract management, shipping, and disposal of sanitary organs, as well as logistics management of simulator products (whether by our company or your company), please contact us.

  1. Using the Internet inquiry form
    *If you fill in each item, a representative will contact you at a later date.
  2. 電話でのお問い合わせ
    ※ 担当者が詳細をお伺いいたします。TEL:03-4405-3314



Regarding logistics, we will consult with you on details such as response in the event of a transportation emergency, risk burden, special cleaning, emergency response, and disposal.


Advance preparation and test operation with consideration for collaboration with the field

We will discuss the schedule and arrangements until the day of the event.


Start of operations and continuous improvement

Most of the logistics related to surgical training are mission-critical, such as hands-on training to ensure the safe and proper use of our products, and hands-on seminars at academic conferences. If there is a delay in the arrival of sanitary organs or simulators, the impact on the site will be significant, so we will continue to work with clients to improve operations and business operations to minimize these risks.

Involved in medical skills training
Leave it to EBM to solve your problems.

Events, seminars, and various content
We will notify you of updates.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Please contact us