privacy policy

EBM Inc. (for address and representative, please click here. hereinafter referred to as "our company") has established a management system for protecting personal information that corresponds to the actual business situation regarding the handling of the personal information of individuals that our company acquires in relation to the products and services that our company provides (collectively, hereinafter referred to as "the Services"), and will handle such information appropriately and carefully.

(1) Collection of personal information

When we collect personal information, we do so in an appropriate manner, in a lawful and fair manner, and use the acquired personal information appropriately and only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use that we have clearly stated.

(2) Use of Personal Information

We use personal information within the scope of the following purposes. Furthermore, if we use personal information for purposes other than those listed below, we will do so only with the prior consent of the individual.

・To deliver information related to this service to the individual

・To respond to inquiries from the person in question

- To use for statistical information that does not include personal information

- To make academic presentations regarding our surgical training

・To publish our trading performance

・To publish the results of our surgical training in a format that does not identify specific individuals

(3) Provision of personal information

1. We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual, except in the following cases.

(1) When required by law

(2) When it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent.

(3) When it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy child development and it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent.

(4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national government agency, a local government, or a person commissioned by them in carrying out business prescribed by law, and obtaining the individual's consent is likely to impede the performance of the commissioned business.

(5) When the third party is an academic institution, etc., and it is necessary for the third party to handle the personal information for academic research purposes (including cases where part of the purpose of handling the personal information is academic research purposes, and excluding cases where there is a risk of unjustly infringing on the rights and interests of individuals).


2. We may disclose statistical information (overall information showing trends among all users) that has been compiled and analyzed and processed without including personal information when explaining our services to our partner companies, cooperating medical institutions, cooperating academic societies and other third parties or for other lawful purposes.

(4) Disclosure, correction, etc. of personal information

You may request us to notify you of the purpose of use of your personal information, disclose your personal information or records of provision to a third party, correct, add to or delete the content of your personal information, or suspend or erase the use of your personal information or suspend provision to a third party, in accordance with our designated procedures. For specific procedures for making a request, please contact us using the inquiry form in "(9) Contact for inquiries regarding personal information."

(5) Implementation of safety measures

Our company strives to maintain the accuracy of personal information, and at the same time, implements safety measures to safely manage personal information, preventing unauthorized access to personal information, and the loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information, and will make improvements when necessary. For details about the safety management measures we take, please contact us using the inquiry form in "(9) Contact for inquiries regarding personal information."

(6) External tools

We use the access analysis tool "Google Analytics" and management tools provided by Google LLC (hereinafter referred to as "Google"), based in the United States.

Google Analytics uses cookies to evaluate browsing habits and analyze browsing history on our website, and to improve customization.

Information collected, recorded, and analyzed by Google Analytics is managed by Google in accordance with the company's privacy policy. Please see below for the Google Analytics Terms of Use and Google's Privacy Policy.


・Google Analytics Terms of Use:

・Google Privacy Policy:


This data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. You can refuse the collection of this information by disabling cookies. For details, please check your browser settings at the following web page.

(7) Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Standards

In order to ensure the protection of personal information, we will comply with personal information protection-related laws and regulations and other standards.

(8) Other precautions

Third party sites and services linked to from the content and advertisements operated by our company have their own rules for protecting personal information and data collection rules that are independent of our company. Our site does not bear any obligation or responsibility for these rules or activities.

(9) Contact information for inquiries regarding personal information
For inquiries or questions regarding personal information, please contact us through the "Inquiry Form."

Established on August 9, 2006

Updated October 1, 2024

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