OPCAB contest winners!

Results of the 11th OPCAB Contest at the 19th Japanese Society of Coronary Artery Surgery (July 10-11, 2014)
As a result of the OPCAB contest, the following winners have been decided.

Day 1: Preliminary results of blood flow analysis using hemoscope (5 out of 17 people passed)

2nd day: Anastomosis examination by judges (3 winners)

1st place: Yusuke Tsukioka (IMS Katsushika Heart Center) Graduated in 2007
2nd place: Kenichi Kamiya (Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Rakuwakai Otowa Hospital) Graduated in 2007
3rd place: Yasunobu Konishi (Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kobe City Medical Center Central Municipal Hospital) Graduated in 2007

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