
Announcement of YouTube radio program distribution “Fukushima Future Academy November broadcast episode”

The radio program "Fukushima Mirai Academy", in which our representative, Park, is the personality of Park Eiko every Friday on FM Poko from 13:30 to 14:00, will start broadcasting on Friday, July 7, 2023.

This program invites guests who are based in Fukushima and enrich the region through various activities from early childhood education to medical care, and uses their academic expertise to present cutting-edge chemistry and academic topics in an easy-to-understand manner. This is a program to deliver.
You can also watch the November broadcast episode at any time via archive distribution.
Please watch it!

■Fukushima Future Academy 2-5 (Broadcasted on November 3rd)

■Fukushima Future Academy 2-6 (Broadcasted on November 10th)

■Fukushima Future Academy 2-7 (Broadcasted on November 17th)

■Fukushima Future Academy 2-8 (Broadcasted on November 24th)

■Youtube Fukushima Future Academy Overview

〇 Title: “Fukushima Future Academy 2-5 to 2-8”
〇 Personality: Eiko Park
〇 Date and time:

Fukushima Future Academy 2-5 (broadcast on November 3, 2023)

Fukushima Future Academy 2-6 (broadcast on November 10, 2023)

Fukushima Future Academy 2-7 (broadcast on November 17, 2023)

Fukushima Future Academy 2-8 (broadcast on November 24, 2023)
〇 Language: Japanese

Related link: FM Poco

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