
【開催報告】獣医麻酔外科学会 東京地区講習会に共催しました

On Thursday, March 13, 2025, EBM Co., Ltd. co-hosted the "Japanese Society of Veterinary Anesthesia and Surgery Tokyo Regional Seminar" at the EBM Haneda Medical Skills Training Center, and provided the venue and equipment used in the seminar.

Our company has a track record of sponsoring and co-hosting many academic conferences and conventions in the field of human medicine, but this will be the first time that we will co-host an event in the field of veterinary medicine.
I am very pleased to have this opportunity to contribute to improving clinical techniques in veterinary medicine.

This seminar featured practical lectures and hands-on sessions, providing a valuable learning opportunity for all participants.
During the hands-on session, training was conducted using equipment provided by our company.


Introducing the "EBM Haneda Medical Skills Training Center"

The venue for this seminar, the EBM Haneda Medical Skills Training Center, is a facility that boasts excellent access, being directly connected to Tenkubashi Station and close to Haneda Airport.
The facility is equipped with refrigerators and sinks for storing organs, and is suitable for holding various seminars and hands-on sessions.
We will continue to utilize this facility to support technological advances in the medical field.

Please feel free to contact us regarding the use of our facilities as a venue for seminars or training sessions.

Facility Inquiry

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