[Lecturer Nobuyoshi Higashi] Announcement of YouTube video distribution “EBM Academy Vol.5 Distal Bypass ~The true value of vascular surgeons who must not be exterminated~”

We invited Mr. Nobuyoshi Higashi as a lecturer and released a YouTube video “EBM Academy Vol.5 Distal Bypass”

~The true value of vascular surgeons who must not be made extinct~'' will be distributed as a special project.
We hope that you will take the time to watch it.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/-S4ues0uF2M

■YouTube video distribution plan overview
“EBM Academy Vol.5 Distal Bypass ~The true value of vascular surgeons who should not be allowed to go extinct~
Prof. Nobuyoshi Azuma MD, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Vascular Surgery, Asahikawa Medical University
Distal Bypass Off-JT Live:
Dr. Akio Koyama MD
Department of Vascular Surgery, Ichinomiya Municipal Hospital
■Plan content
We ask Professor Higashi, an expert in vascular surgery, about ``Japan's proud surgical technique: Distal Bypass.''
In the second half of the program, Mr. Akio Koyama will present a live demonstration of Distal Bypass simulation training/Off-JT using TAMATEBAKO.

■EBM YouTube channel
We will continue to deliver useful content for your training. We are always accepting requests for distribution themes and participation requests. We regularly send out special content, so please subscribe to our channel.
EBM YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/EBMCorporation
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