
Announcement of YouTube live streaming "Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Surgery U-40 Nadeshiko x EBM Academy ~Female cardiac surgeon Goutan Nouveau~" (August 6th (Sat) 21:00)

Invited U40 female cardiac surgeons from the Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Surgery as lecturers and streamed live on YouTube

“Japan Society of Cardiovascular Surgery U-40 Nadeshiko x EBM Academy ~Female Cardiac Surgery Doctor Gutan Nouveau~” will be distributed as a special project.
We hope that you will take the time to watch it.


■YouTube video distribution plan overview
EBM Academy “Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Surgery U-40 Nadeshiko x EBM Academy ~Female Cardiac Surgery Doctor Gutan Nouveau~”
Date and time: Saturday, August 6, 2022 21:00 - 22:00 (JST)
Guest: Japanese Society of Cardiovascular Surgery U-40 female cardiac surgeons
Mr. Chiyo Tanaka (U-40 representative)
Ms. Misato Tokioka
Professor Mika Noda
Mr. Minoru Tateishi
Professor Ai Ishizawa
Professor Saki Bessho
Professor Kumiko Akiyama
■Plan content
We would like to invite you to an online women's meeting hosted by a young female cardiac surgeon.
I look forward to seeing the contents.
Please subscribe to the channel and take a look.
〇 Director MC: Park Young Kwang PhD (EBM Corporation)

〇 Language: Japanese

■EBM YouTube channel
We will continue to deliver useful content for your training. We are always accepting requests for distribution themes and participation requests. We regularly send out special content, so please subscribe to our channel.
EBM YouTube Channel
Copyright 2020 EBM Corporation

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